Bad news for the Darwinist sector

  Dr Michael (Mike) Sutton, criminologist, is the founding General Editor of the Internet open access Journal of Criminology. As a Reader in Criminology, he teaches hi-tech crime and crime reduction, and is founding Director of the Centre for the Study and Reduction of Hate Crimes at Nottingham Trent University. In the field of Hate Crimes, Sutton has published journal articles on the subject of inter-racial relationships, hate-crimes and associated violence. Since 2014, Dr Michael Sutton has been writing about…

Malas noticias para la secta darwinista

Michael Sutton es criminólogo, Editor General y Fundador de la revista Journal of Criminology. Profesor de Criminología y Director del Study and Reduction of Hate Crimes de la Universidad Nottingham Trent. Ha publicado artículos en los temas de relaciones interraciales y violencia. Desde hace años el Dr Michael Sutton lleva a cabo una investigación sobre el plagio que realizaron Darwin y Wallace de la obra de un autor anterior: Patrick Matthew. El trabajo del Dr Sutton le conducirá, con el…